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The Waterproof Sonos One by H2O Block - Is it legit?

The Waterproof Sonos One by H2O Block - Is it legit?

I Listened to “Don’t Stop Believing” while aggressively soaking my “Sonos One” with my garden hose… The Result? Completely Waterproof - Check out this Video!

We recently added the Waterproofed Sonos One by H2O Block to our store! But, before adding it to our catalog we had to make damn sure that “Water Proof” was WATER PROOF… 

**Update: Paryloc is now known as H2O Block**

In the video below you will see me spraying the “Sonos Onewith my garden hose and playing the song “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. 

I wanted to test how good this speaker was when wet and the results were incredible!  

If you are planning on using the Sonos One outside, or you are looking for a speaker for outdoors and happen to just come across this blog post, you are in the right area.

If you are anything like me, you like to spend time outside - on the patio, relaxing by the pool, or roasting in the sun. 

And when I’m just relaxing or I’m having some friends out music is always great to have around, the only downfall - before I had the Sonos One - was that I always had to be moving my indoor speakers outside… 

It was annoying and worrisome - and that means my expensive indoor speakers could get wasted by any outdoor conditions (drinks, rain, pool water).

But all of that changed and worry went away when the Sonos One came into my life!

First: The Sonos One was super easy and really fast to set up. All I had to do was wait for an app to download, connect the speaker to Wifi, and in the matter of a few minutes, I was back in my DJ booth. 

Unpackaging the Sonos One will probably take you more time than setting it up!

Second: Once it was ready to go I wanted to test it out, and as I said above, I did just that… 

Once the speaker was nice and wet, of course, the next step was to see if it worked… 

Third: You wouldn't think that water and electronics worked together (just like a toaster and a fork… ). But in this case, it totally did (the speaker… not the fork).

The water didn't affect the performance of the speaker at all. Check out this video I made for after the water test!

**Update: Paryloc is now known as H2O Block**

After the test, I was completely in awe at how this speaker managed to survive, and this is why I’m writing this article! It’s really to show that this speaker does exactly what is said. 

**Update: Paryloc is now known as H2O Block**


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